KETF10 & KETF40 Introduction to transport phenomena and separation processes

Mattias Alveteg

180 kr


Tillhör kursen KETF40 & KETF10

The manufacturing of the clothes you wear, the food you eat and various equipment you use in your daily life are all dependent on transport phenomena and separation processes. Even a seemingly simple product such as granulated sugar went through several carefully designed separation processes (leaching, filtration, evaporation, crystallisation, centrifugation and drying) before being packed and transported to the store where you bought it. All these separation processes require energy and they, by necessity, create side streams with by-products, impurities and unwanted material. To be able to minimise the environmental impact, improve the economy and minimise the energy requirements of these separation processes you will need not only an understanding of how these separation processes are designed but also an understanding of how transport of heat, mass and momentum works.

Even if you’ve never studied transport phenomena and separation processes you already have an intuitive understanding of key concepts: If you put milk in your cup of tea, you stir to make the milk blend faster with the tea. When it’s cold outside you put on a thicker jacket. If you make a wine sauce, you reduce the sauce (i.e. boil away some of the liquid) to concentrate the flavours. Our goal with this book is to help transform your intuitive understanding of transport phenomena and separation processes to a capability of making and solving mathematical models of heat and mass transfer problems as well as separation problems.

Starting from the 2021 edition, this book contains eight different chapters. In earlier editions chapters 4, 5 and 7 were omitted when printing material for the course KETF40 (Mass transfer in environmental engineering) and chapters 2 and 3 were omitted for the course KETF10 (Separation processes).

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