Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Disseration Series
Mobile Gamma Spectrometry
183 kr -
Molecular Mechanisms of the DEK Protein in Leukemia
146 kr -
Knee injuries and their consequences – the impact of impact
179 kr -
Legitimized Refugees
253 kr -
Informal caregivers of older persons with dementia in eight European countries
191 kr -
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in acute coronary syndroms
161 kr -
Prognostic factors in periampullary adenocarcinoma
171 kr -
Suicide in a clinical and a general population, with focus on comorbidity
198 kr -
Transcriptional Regulation of HIF2A/EPAS1 in Neuroblastoma
161 kr -
Sperm Y:X chromosome ratio and androgen response in men exposed to environmental pollutants
158 kr -
Drug therapy – a challange in primary care
63 kr -
Clinical aspects on central venous cannulation
125 kr