Lund Studies in English
Writing in English at University A Guide for Second Language Writers
165 kr -
Subjectivity and Epistemicity
365 kr -
Stage Appropriations of Shakespeare’s Major Tradegies, 1980-2010
376 kr -
Silent Modernism
336 kr -
Men and women in T.S. Eliot’s early poetry
99 kr -
The Fallen World in Coleridge•™s Poetry
99 kr -
Agreement with Collective Nouns in English
99 kr -
(De)coding Modality
149 kr -
Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society 1879–1922
149 kr -
Female Quest in Christina Stead’s For Love Alone
149 kr -
Form-Class and Task-Type Effects in Learner English: A Study of Advanced Swedish Learners
99 kr -
The Victorian Governess Novel
199 kr